Friday 16 December 2016

End of the year

Its only two weeks away from the end of 2016. This year has gone by so fast, but it was also a very fulfulling one!

It was the first time I saw cherry blossom in Tokyo, my first summer festival and fireworks. It was my 2nd autumn (but much colder one) and first time to see snow falls in November. I'm looking forward to see some christmas illuminations to wrap this year up and I hope the year ends wonderfully for everyone.

Autumn in Yoyogi Park

Flower that blooms in the cold December
The best time of any day is my skype time with my 3 years old niece. I was really afraid she wouldnt recognise the animal which would mean I'm not good at drawing. I felt like the Aviator in The Little Prince when I drew the sheep (yes thats a sheep) 

Saturday 15 October 2016

My favorite (autumn) day

My favorite autumn is a sunny clear blue day. The air is cool and I can walk aimlessly and endlessly. It is also a day I find out there's such a flower as Autumn Sakura.

Autumn Sakura

Coffee time

Thursday 6 October 2016

One Year

So this is the week when I landed in Japan (again) and started working last year. Time flew - the year went by in a flash but it has also been one of the most amazing year I've had!

There's still so much to see and still a lot of people to encounter and many moments I look forward to live.

1 year of watching trains go by

1 year of finding good coffee places

Nice restaurants

The city by night is the most wonderful sight

Walk after work with my colleague from Spain - great way to discover Tokyo

Sunday 25 September 2016

A quiet Sunday walk

After days and days of rain, today was finally sunny and hot. It was a good weather to take a walk. 

Tiny burger place

Thursday 28 April 2016

A Year since ...

It's already been a year since I first visited Japan and six months since I've been living here. Time flies