Sunday 17 August 2014

Walking Week 01

Last week I finally decided to take my first walk to explore an unknown street. The idea is simple. To walk around the city, towns and villages of the island every weekend (mainly on Saturday) and explore unknown (to me mostly) neighbourhoods.

The idea came to me when I was contemplating how lucky we are to be free from conflicts, bombardment or risk of being kidnapped when we step out of our home.

This is not to say that we dont have crimes or bad people. Because we do. However I like to think that I will come across only positive experience when I go out. Maybe a piece of the puzzle will fall into place, maybe I'll find a new nice place to eat lunch or a nice shop to buy more stuffs ...

Anyway here's a few snaps of my first walk which was only through 1 street

The dome of the Islamic Cultural Centre, a few streets down

One of the few remaining old houses but so beautifully kept.
You cant see it but there's a little Buddha statue on the window

Not open on Saturday I guess

The price that comes with going on a walk,
coming across this beautiful old house
and taking just the perfect snap of it

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