Sunday 31 August 2014

Walking Week 03 - Sunday Walk in a (not so) quiet city - Prt 2

So on we head into the city center. I took the road that I use most of the time when i head into the city center, I made a couple of detours just to walk through some streets I've never walked through before ... lets go

I used to work down that road

The mighty Telecom tower

Never walked these pavements before

Le vieux conseil

The theater

Where we used to buy our school books

The one thing I realised during my 3rd walk in the city is
the how the city is a mixture of old and new.
Right here a good example with the brand new
Citadelle Mall and the old style shop in the foreground

The abandoned theater ... not sure what is being done about it

I ended my walk by dropping by the book in the Waterfront shopping mall

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