Friday 19 June 2015

whilst traveling - 05

On the Subject of Food - Pt01

First Japanese food, Udon in Tokyo

Thai Tom Yum in Tokyo

Best food ever. Food from Morning Market in Hakodate

Grilled fish in Osaka. The place was underground and amazingly cozy

First time trying Kimchi at an Izakaya

Takamatsu is famous for Udon and yes the udon was REALLY good!

Making our own Okonomiyaki in Takatmatsu

Okonomiyaki ready!

Food at Yatai stand in Fukuoka

TAKOYAKI Osaka Dotonbori

I wasn't too sure about this, but I was very hungry after climbing some mountain, so I ate everything

Lovely food prepared by my generous host.
Very nice green tea and rice cake for dessert

Weird white fish but not bad tasting meal. Just very fishy

Curry at a nice cafe in Toya

Soba in Fukuoka

Delicious meal in Kyoto

Soba for lunch with vegetable tempura

I had this for nearly everyday for lunch while in Tokyo!

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